The Art of Paying Attention to Nature: wildlife illustrator and storyteller, Listening to Raven, paddling with alligators, walking with Coyote, heard on NPR
Aloha nui loa...
Listening to IZ sing Over the Rainbow in his beautiful falsetto makes me miss living in the islands.
As a freelance professional textile designer living in Hawaii, I could stand in downtown Honolulu at lunch time and watch my designs walk around on what I call "the business man's aloha shirt."
Beth Surdut's Aloha Shirts @American Textile History Museum
But when you want something so gorgeous that strangers will walk up to ask "where did you get that," my one-of-a-kind custom Ultimate Aloha Shirt™ is what you want to own.
One of a kind custom silk aloha shirts created by Beth Surdut
Perfect for weddings, special occasions, or just being the coolest. dude. ever.
All images, text, and audio are copyrighted. Use only with permission.
Listening To Raven
The Listening to Raven series and The Art of Paying Attention to nature--intricate drawings and stories-- are the current focus of this blog and my professional life. Please email for pricing of originals and embellished prints, additional images, exhibition and licensing. Gator Girl Adventures are found in the older posts.
Welcome to The Art of Paying Attention to nature answers the question, "So what do you do?" as an artist and writer inspired by nature and world cultures. Here, you'll find smaller bites to chew on. I primarily talk about and show drawings and paintings of our integrated place in nature. By paying attention to what skitters, flies and crawls around me-- ravens, hawks, hummingbirds, lizards, rabbits, snakes, butterflies, stink bugs and whoever else crosses my path, I hope to inspire people to look, become enchanted, and care. It's a different approach than the popular and overwhelming doomsday "We've destroyed the planet and all is lost." Some people are motivated by fear; others by love. I'm going for love.
I'd appreciate seeing your responses to what you see around you.
Art From the Kitchen~ Local Food, Global Recipes
Painted and Served by Beth Surdut
Radio Adventure featuring Beth Surdut
Sounding out Dream Vessels and Alligators with Canadian host Lynn Thompson on Living On Purpose